Help me with a Fidelity Research FR64 part

I got a mint FR64 tonearm at a great price. Sadly there was a catch it did not have the nut that fastens the arm at the base. It is a really fine thread (25 threads per inch) in fact my machinist doesn't have tooling for this.

so I want to know if anyone out there knows where I can get the said nut, or if they have one they can sell me - thanks
As I said in my earlier post in 2019 above -
You can buy them on yahoo Japan - "FR64S stabilizer" - original size or super heavy stabilizer

Here is one here -

original size as you are looking for.
Did anyone ever find a reliable source for this part? I have an FR-64s with the large base (B60). However, I would like to mount the arm on my Thorens TD-124. To allow the arm to fit the 124, I believe I will need to buy a smaller base. I see a base on eBay for the FR-64fx...not sure if it is what I need. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. All the best, Mark

You can buy it from me if you want the orignal nut from FR-64fx (which is much better than a nut from 64s). I have upgraded both 64s and 64fx with IKEDA VTA BASE and FR N60 stabilizer, so I don’t need those small original nuts anymore.
Chakster, does your replica B-60 have a serial number on the top like a genuine B-60 would have?
I am curious if the one I had was a replica.