Why did you choose the components and speakers that are in your system?

I have an opportunity to build another system and I'm looking to mix up the sound I seek and it occurred to me to ask the 'goners! So..... why did you choose the components in your current system? In other words- what was important to you when building it? 
Lucky at a garage sale. Found a marantz 2285 and JBL L100s playing at a sale. Asked if they were for sale and he said no. I gave him my card and said "if you change your ming, call me" Well almost 2 years later he called. Got all of it for $350
I buy/bought based on quality of sound, timbre, tone, warmth, no fatigue, and of course, looks! If I’m going to be parked in front of my hifi for years and years to come, It must also look aesthetically pleasing. My turntable for instance is gorgeous in walnut with its carbon fiber arm. The tannoys have a beautiful real walnut finish and an almost antique looking etched placard with the tannoy logo and high frequency control panel. My sugden integrated is the epitome of simplicity. Just a power button, volume control, and an input selector. My rack is not a rack, it’s a piece of furniture purposed for my hifi and looks great.
Start with speakers for clarity, sound stage, timbre; add sub for bass/punch; clean source very important; powerful clean amp; critically - room correction

I listened to many speakers - selected Linn 20 years ago also considering the benefits of active amplification which then leads to Linn amps/Aktiv configuration.  Great Linn speakers like the Katans, and the amps can be found used at reasonable prices

SVS SB3000 sub hard to beat

MiniDSP SHD as pre-amp with built-in streaming and DIRAC is incredible bargain for the sound quality

For less than 5000, the above system is as good as any I have ever heard!

Have Fun and Enjoy!!

I personally like efficient speakers.  I bought Crites because they were 1/3 the cost of other choices.  I was used to horn sound.  I also wanted a class A amp.  Several small wattage amps available at reasonable pricing.
You state that you have an opportunity to build another system.
Is this to replace one that you have been using? 
Is it a secondary system in a different location?
