Which Phono Pre?

Current system:
Dr. Feickert Blackbird TT
Kuzma 4-Point tonearm
Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum cartridge

Phono pre’s under consideration:
Pass Labs XP-27
Modwright PH-150
Luxman EQ 500
Wheat Audio PS.40RDT

What do you think would be the best match? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
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I committed to the Pass Labs XP-27. Also going to let the Koetsu RSP battle it out with a Soundsmith Hyperion and pick a winner. Unfortunately in that $$$ stratosphere, I can’t keep both. FWIW, I’ll report my impressions in a few weeks.

I appreciate everyone’s great feedback.
Dear @rossb : Sorry till today I read your post.

Unfortunatelly no. I know very well Whest audio and I have a high respect for them, have really solid engeenering. I I listened the 3 raference or signature ( can't remember ) and the 30 and followed almost from Whest started.

It's very competitive items at more or less affordable prices and yes is a good alternative.

The Allnic H7000 has balanced outs, handles multiple carts. LCR. Call Albert Porter.
If you can find one get a Vendetta SCP2a. I have the first Whest 0.20 and it was much better than a Tom Evans Groove. The Vendetta i got had to be re-capped and on the advice of John Curl I upgraded the IC chips. I don't worry about the next thing out there. It would be nice to have a phono stage with different EQ curves though.
I digress a little - I still can't fault the Whest and I'm sure the 4.0 would be better than what i have. lovely build, and James Henriot is a very knowledgable and helpful guy. I'm not qualified to comment on the others I hasten to add. 
In terms of sound I did a review many moons ago and stand by it still. very good extension, body, and air. Superb at imaging and to my ears - not cold.