Help selecting a power cord.

All my gear has the factory supplied power cords  I’m ready to try 1 aftermarket power cable as a test.  So what brand power cable should it be and what device gets it first?  Tube pre?  Tube main?  D/A?  CD transport?  Roon Nucleus?  Subs?  GE Trefs?? Turntable? Oppo 103?   Which piece of my gear should be most affected by the improved power cord??  I look forward to the responses and will likely choose the cord that has the most recommendations.
@lalitk I chose Pangea based on a recommendation from a friend. They are very good cords for the money.  Power cords don't make much difference in my system because of the components. 
What power cables did you try besides Pangea? Good power cables make a huge difference in the systems like yours. You have a Porsche in your home and you put cheap tires on it. It will drive but if you use performance tires you experience something very different.
@lalitk I chose Pangea based on a recommendation from a friend. They are very good cords for the money. Power cords don't make much difference in my system because of the components.
Yes lower end gear will make the benefit of a QUALITY power cable less apparent. As you get into higher quality gear ie Pass, Simaudio, Boulder, AR, AH, BorderPatrol, Luxman even McIntosh (being funny) a high quality power cables benefits will be more apparent.

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