Help selecting a power cord.

All my gear has the factory supplied power cords  I’m ready to try 1 aftermarket power cable as a test.  So what brand power cable should it be and what device gets it first?  Tube pre?  Tube main?  D/A?  CD transport?  Roon Nucleus?  Subs?  GE Trefs?? Turntable? Oppo 103?   Which piece of my gear should be most affected by the improved power cord??  I look forward to the responses and will likely choose the cord that has the most recommendations.
For the budget minded only…I tried these on a whim just to see if they were better than stock and at this price super low risk.  I was shocked with the results…they are still in my amp and Dac. At some point i will upgrade them like i did buying Morrow interconnects but these are better than stock for sure…let the laughing and head shakin begin!
Dedicated line first, puritan power conditioner second then a Verastarr flat foil power cord starting with your DAC. 
In my system the power cords make as much difference as interconnects. In the last year I have tried many from budget to pricy. Here are my two cents: 

budget: Audio Envy, Anticable 3.0, Bav, and Cullen Crossover. Cullen is a step above and it is as good as some expensive ones.

high priced: AQ Thunder HC, Stealth Dream V10, Silnote Orion, Zavfino Silver Dart. Everyone is better than the budget ones and they all have their strength. Silver Dart is great with amp and Dream V10 is great with DAC. But I’m happy with all of them.