Esoteric X-01 Limited or new D-03/P-03

I’m torn between a new X-01 Limited or the new D-03/P-03 combo. If I went with the D-03/P-03 combo, I would start off with the D-03 and add the P-03 later on. The X-01 uses the tried and true Burr Brown 1704 Dacs and converts DSD to 88.2 kHz PCM. The D-03 on the other hand uses Analog Devices AD1955 Dacs and can do the following: DSD>DSD, PCM>DSD, and PCM>PCM (upsampled) and not sure about DSD>PCM. The P-03 utilizes the latest VRDS-Neo transport although there are probably not many differences to the one used in the X-01 Limited.

Even though the X-01 was just updated to “Limited” status, it is still an older based product, whereas the D-03/P-03 was just released to the U.S. market at CES 2006 where it received some very positive press.

Any thoughts, comments, or more information are welcome.
Thank you.
I can only concur with Lawyerman. I purchased the X01 LE shortly after hearing it at CES and received one out of the first shipment to the US. It is still breaking in but is already extremely good after about three wekks of continuous play. Suggest that for the money that you would spend on the separates, you might want to do the LE with a really good power cord, some mechanical isolation and possibly an external clock later.
I would have to agree with both Lawyerman and Frowder. I just received an X-01 LE after having the regular X-01 for about 9 months. As good as the X-01 is, the X-01 LE is even better. I've only had it for 6 days and so it is still breaking in, but the improvements that come with the X-01 LE as I hear them in my system are:
1. Individual notes have more depth and texture – this is very apparent on accoustic guitar.
2. The bass appears to be deeper, tighter and even more powerful that with the X-01 - which was quite surprising to me.
3. The top end has more sparkle – very noticeable on piano and electric keyboards.

Overall, the sound is more natural and effortless with a touch more air around performers within the soundstage.

I have not heard the P03/D03 combo, but for almost double the retail price of the X-01 LE and then considering that you would need a great digital interconnect, a second really good power cord (as the X-01 is sensitive to power cords and IC's)and more than likely the Esoteric G0s clock ($13K retail) to get the most out of this 2 box unit - I would really think hard about going that way, epsecially given how wonderful the X-01 LE sounds. But, i am sure you know, that the only way to know for sure is to hear them side by side in your system. Good luck with your decision.
Is the D-03/P-03 stereo or multichannel? Also, can anyone tell what the upgrades are to the X-01 make it an LE?
David, as I understand it, the upgrades for the X-01 LE are:
1. The RCA output jacks are now WBT jacks
2. The Digital output jack is now WBT
3. Internal wiring has been changed from Van den Hul silver wiring to Acrolink 6N copper wiring - same as used in the P01/D01 top of the line Esoteric combo
4. Changes to the connectors, capacitors and resistors in the output stage to the ones that are also used in the P01/D01.
5. An improved stock power cord based on Acrolink copper wire - same as the one used in the P01/D01.

I do not know if the D03/P03 is multichannel or not.
D03/P03 is multichannel through the I-Link ports. You have to daisy chain three D03s together for multichannel. A single D03 has only a left/right analog output- balanced or RCA.

The curious question for me is that the D03 uses a totally different DAC architecture versus the current Esoteric machines- D01/X-01/X-03 etc. I guess we'll have to wait for a Soundstage review to know if it's for better or worse since they have reviewed a lot of Esoteric machines including the X-01 Limited.