Help selecting a power cord.

All my gear has the factory supplied power cords  I’m ready to try 1 aftermarket power cable as a test.  So what brand power cable should it be and what device gets it first?  Tube pre?  Tube main?  D/A?  CD transport?  Roon Nucleus?  Subs?  GE Trefs?? Turntable? Oppo 103?   Which piece of my gear should be most affected by the improved power cord??  I look forward to the responses and will likely choose the cord that has the most recommendations.
Close your eyes. Have a helpful third party lay out all the candidate cords in front of you.  Plck one up.

On the other hand, power conditioners or active filters can affect SQ.

Nice system. I would start with a PC on the cd transport or Oppo 103.

Happy Listening!
Go and grab an audioquest thunder, a great little power cable, well not so little....AQ x3’s are great for source components. I use them throughout. However, this is just a will need to add a dedicated line/circuit preferably 20 amp 12 gauge, a power conditioner such as the AQ Niagara 1200, and a good quality receptacle such as AQ nrg Edison. None of this is cheap and will set you back 4k or so....though, you could save money by doing the electrical work yourself. The reward will be a much quieter back ground, black so to speak...the music will come forward as the veil is lifted. I would consider what I own as upper mid-fi components, Sugden Signature a21se class A, Tannoy eaton legacy, music hall mmf-7.3 w/ 2m bronze, border patrol dac, marantz hd cd-1 used as transport. Alternate turntable, pro-ject the classic sb w/ Hana el and Jensen sut, tavish design classic (tubed/nos) phono preamp....alternate amp, Marantz pm14s1. Alternate phono preamp,, pro-ject tube box ds2. Doing as I described has improved the sound of what components I have listed. Then there are all the associated inter connect cables, another hefty investment....
I have a DCS Vivaldi stack, so in my view that allows me to hear differences of cables very clearly. It is apparent that Upsampler/clock/Dac need a VERY LIGHT TOUCH cable for best results .. so for source kit I would recommend such, but beyond that it is I am afraid an expensive matter of trail and error as to which gives best, according to the rest of your kit and ears. Probably a clock is most sensitive to cables of any type
I purchased a Furman it 20 I and diy five cords TOTL furutech rhodium and Furutech wall outlet, grounding plate and cover. Both amps plugged into the Furutech outlet on a dedicated circuit. Front end is on another outlet in use with the it 20 I, I couldn't be more happy and my system sounds better every day, several months on the cords and on the Furman.  I built a furutech speaker cable now too. I like furutech but now I'm broke.  Diy your own cords, several benefits to this approach and very easy.