Bent spade terminal

Hi I have some Morrow speaker cables for my Tannoys. I noticed that one of the spade connectors is quite bent and is a bit wobbly—like there’s a crease where it’s bent and you could easily split it off if you bent it back and forth a few times. This is on the straight bit of metal above the two prongs of the spade.  Maybe the cleaner ran the vacuum over it or something. I’m worried now  that the sound quality has degraded. 
First, should I worry?!
Second, I don’t want to spend money on a brand new cable. Can I replace just the terminator?  Will it be as good as the factory?  And what terminator should I use?

If possible, get rid of all the spades and just use the bare wire.  The best termination is no termination.
Morrow will more than likely be able to replace spade for you. If it’s not fragile I’d probably use it as is. If you think it’s going to fail, give morrow a call and ask their advice. 
I agree: call or email Morrow. I suspect any cable fabricator would reterminate their cables for you, either free or for a small charge.
Move it back in place in one move, and tighten it down, TIGHT. Now forget about it.. DON'T keep trying to straighten it..

ONE MOVE and leave it alone..

