Paradigm S8 vs. Sonus Faber Cremona M

I am having hard time deciding between these speakers. I can get each for about 6K used. I have auditioned them both at a dealer, and I like them both. However, I find it very hard to compare them given the lapse of time in between and the difference in gear and rooms. Paradigms have great reviews, but can they compare to the build quality of the SFs?
Thanks for all the comments.
Playing at higher volumes is important to me. I was also thinking to match these with Mcintosh Mc601s with their 2300 tube preamp. I just love the way Macs look. Would the mono blocks be to much for the Cremona Ms? Also many mention that SFs have a touch warmer sound, would this be a problem matching them with Mcintosh gear, which many have mentioned has warmer sound as well?
I have nothing against The Paradigm. I have not purchased speakers in 20 years and was open to whatever I thought sounded best. The Cremona and New S8 were both hooked up to Byson amps however they were in different rooms. The Cremano's were my choice. Really it was hard to believe as the Sig 8 is really an imposing speaker.

I have been playing the Cremona's loud and they sound very nice.

Good Luck - You really can't make a bad choice.
I wouldn't match Sonus with Mac, there are much better electronics other than Mac and if you go with the SF you want more neutral electronics.
I am relatively new to this and this will be my first jump to so called high end stuff. So please give me examples of better neutral electronics than Mac for me to check out. I have heard of Krell, Ayre and Bryston, is that what I should be looking for?
A close friend and fellow audio club member enjoys some bigger SF's ( Anniversarios ) there being seduced by an Ayre front end, great synergy, likely the most liquid and involving sound I've experienced to date. His music maker has forced me to re visit my preconceived ideal's about tubes.
Regards Tim