Do not use the cv181 tube and adaptor as it is not the best combo for sound and can sound bright. No Duelund caps needed.
Vcap Odams on output 400v 2.2uf. Add Vcap Cutf .01 uf as bypass for more detail and air. Not a must, but a nice option.
Use a mix of resistors for best sound. Vishay Nude ZFoils for the 100R. Audio Note non-magnetic tantalum and Shinkoh for remaining positions.
Careful desoldering the old parts. Easy to lift pads if not careful on this unit. Very easy! You can ruin the board.
Use WBT silver solder.
1/2 watt resistors are fine. Audio Note leads on 1 and 2 watt resistors will not fit in the pad hole.
I do these units for customers and at a price close to what you will do it for. I can do this for you if you are not skilled with desoldering etc...
Other upgrades can be done for a tad more improvement.
Take care.
Vcap Odams on output 400v 2.2uf. Add Vcap Cutf .01 uf as bypass for more detail and air. Not a must, but a nice option.
Use a mix of resistors for best sound. Vishay Nude ZFoils for the 100R. Audio Note non-magnetic tantalum and Shinkoh for remaining positions.
Careful desoldering the old parts. Easy to lift pads if not careful on this unit. Very easy! You can ruin the board.
Use WBT silver solder.
1/2 watt resistors are fine. Audio Note leads on 1 and 2 watt resistors will not fit in the pad hole.
I do these units for customers and at a price close to what you will do it for. I can do this for you if you are not skilled with desoldering etc...
Other upgrades can be done for a tad more improvement.
Take care.