What Was Your Favorite “Game Changer” Moment?

I've been rebuilding and modifying my system since the summer of 2029. I have a pile of rejected cables and assorted gear to sell sometime soon. Several times I told myself that I was finally finished with upgrades, only to be tempted to try just one more thing. Happily, I stumbled upon an unexpected game changer in the past week. I purchased a used pair of Fusion Audio Romance 1 interconnects.

The reviews, some on this forum, suggested that this cable is “warm and romantic,” as the name implies. My biggest concern was that the top end might be somewhat muted. I have been using Shunyata Venom interconnects and speaker cables. They have plenty of top end sparkle that I didn’t want to lose. But I’m always in favor of curbing harshness.

Well, not to worry. The Fusion Audio interconnects did not just keep the high end sparkle, they extended it. And they did it in a very musically pleasing way. I played a native tropical bossa nova album, and the percussion instruments danced around in a stunning holographic fashion. On some other albums, I heard female vocals served with a sublime, expressive quality that surpasses anything that my system was capable of before.

I consider myself a “warm side of neutral” kind of listener. Fatiguing harshness has always been the obstacle to overcome. But I want the details at both ends of the spectrum. As for Fusion Audio cables, they are available at Audio Surroundings in Boca Raton, Florida. Here is the link: https://www.audiosurroundings.com/store.php?seller=Ericlove&navt1=263817&per=6&num=6&...

Does anyone know how to contact Eric Love, who was mentioned in numerous threads a few years ago as the maker of these cables? I would like to contact him.

Please share your favorite “game changer” moments with cables and other items. I'm still looking for the “magic” USB cable.

My system:

Exposure 3010S2D integrated amp
DynAudio floor standing speakers
Topping D70 DAC
Auralic Aries Femto music streamer with SBooster power supply
Kitsune modded Singxer SU-2 USB bridge
Netgear S8000 Network switch with streaming music preset
Cables and power cords by Shunyata, Lessloss, Wireworld, PS Audio, Chord Company, Fusion Audio


I am looking forward in reading your Cable/cord review.

Happy Listening!
Running Springs Dmitri power conditioner about 15 years ago. I had never experienced what lowering noise floor was truly about until this purchase. The black space around each instrument was a game changer. If the music stopped for a split second I thought the amp blew it was so quiet.  I've further reduced noise floor with system changes and tweaks but never to the magnitude of the Dmitri.
Another total game changer was in college when I realized Ukraine was the key to winning Risk. You think I am kidding? Never once lost a game once I figured this one out.
First? Cable? A Stealth Audio Cloude Nine full on an AES DJH AE1. Really made it plainly obvious. Never really found another piece of gear that liked that cord nearly as much. Sort of actually scared me that it's a needle in the haystack proposition, though.

Most recently? The return of Dynamic Design pc's to my system. Especially on my Leben CS600. Holy hell. Why they aren't more brought up, I'll never know....

Most consistently over the years?
a. BMI power cords, especially Oceanic Statement Classic Gold. I just loaned one to a friend around the corner whose life as a skeptic was wrecked! Ruined! Ha! Looking forward to how he react to the Dynamic Design Heritage.
b. Gabriel Gold Rapture r....just keep coming back...more of an ahhhhhh moment I guess. Like arriving home.
Power conditioner? Sound Application...hands down winner for me. I think my first one was an cf-x maybe, then xe12, then JC something. They just blew my little mind..