preamp vs amp: relative effect on sound?

Recently, there was an interesting thread on combining a tube preamp with a SS amp, which is what apparently a lot of people do.

So two questions.

Q1: in a preamp + amp combo, does each unit affect the eventual sound equally, 50/50, or is one going to affect the sound more than the other?

Q2: in a combo of higher gain preamp + lower gain amp, will more gain being provided by the preamp have any effect on your answer to Q1?
Depending on your speakers, the amp could be as much as 80%.

For q2, it’s more about the the voltage required for full output on your amp. For example, if your amp requires .5 v for full rated power, you would probably want to pair it with a low gain preamp.

Also, the input impedance of the preamp should be at least 100 times higher than the output impedance of your preamp as a general rule of thumb.
Q1.. I was always of the belief that pre amps had the biggest impact regarding sound that changed after i bought the AGD amps. But in most cases i would say it's 60/40 with pre's having the biggest impact.

Q2.. Higher gain pre's can deliver more dynamics and detail.

it is highly situation specific, as you can imagine

prentice is correct, preamp will have more influence if the amp has a pretty easy time gripping and driving the speakers, otherwise, amp to speaker interface and interaction can be dominant

for many years i have always felt the heart of my system is my conrad johnson linestage (prem 16ls2 or et5 or art over the years), but i used fairly easy to drive bbc heritage speakers like spendor harbeth proac quad -- and i use plenty of amp to drive them whether tube or ss -- thus the cj brought the magic to the party...
My "fun" system which I use for music and HT purposes consisted of Wharfedale Opus-3, Krell KRC-3 and Adcom 5802. My preamp is nearly twice the price of my power amp, but I think it is the best way to bring out the sound quality of my system. I swap out the Adcom for a Mark levinson 23.5 and only observe about 5-10% improvement. So, I could almost certainly say that the preamp makes more impact on my overall sound quality comparing to the power amp. How much more impact? I really don’t know.