New mid priced integrated for 75 yo widow with Gallo 3.1s

Taking a slightly different tack on this issue. 75 yo widow friends 35+ yo Parasound PA260 died. Lives on Kauai so complete desert in shopping...must come online.  Figure her same era preamp will also have issues sooner than later. So, looking for a new integrated with remote to pair with her Gallos 3.1s preferably no more than $1000-1100 new, maybe ma $1500 if absolutely necessary.  Sources are UDP, CATV Music Direct.  Minimum req is solid 50WRMS @8 and good current. Some good argument for 100wrms based on specs though current 50 was more than fine. Simple is need for DAC, BT etc. Not looking for Class D based on anecdotal fb on brightness and the Gallos sometimes tendency for such. Outlaw is out due to aesthetics. Good sound (not necessarily great) and good reliability are the key requisites. There are ZERO audio repair outlets in HI and shipping in and out is always a killer so a "buy and install and forget" ability is key. Appreciate any and all responses. Aloha. 
hegel rost for 1500 or h160 for 2000 used

ignore the onboard dac, just use it as an integrated

excellent sound, current capability, quality metal remote, well engineered, utterly reliable
I'm hearing really good things about the Rega Brio.
Right at her price point new.
Can't beat Hegel but the price range will limit wattage.  Please check my boy Klaus at Odyssey!

Cyclops: lots of power, balance ... in your price range!  Built for longevity!!

I have the Tempest Pre ... Best ever!!