Excellent! building airplanes and/or cars is another fun Hobby.
Happy Listening!
Excellent! building airplanes and/or cars is another fun Hobby.
Happy Listening!
Hi Everyone, Been awhile since i looked in here mainly because I didn't have a system up and didn't want to think about it. I now have a great room that i have claimed. Finally a dedicated Home Theater 2 channel room. I have everything but amps and wanted to get your opinion on the few i have found, my main concern is the front three which will also be my two channel set up, so there are a couple 3 channel amps and a few 5 channel amps that might work. 1- Mark Levinson 533H 3ch by 300 8ohm 600 4 ohm 2- Krell TRIO 300 3 ch 300- 8ohm 600 -4ohm 3- Parasound Halo A-51 five ch This plays first 7 to 10 watts in pure A 250 -8ohm 500- 4ohm 4- Dan D'Agostino Master Power 3+ 300- 8ohm 600- 4ohms 5- McIntosh MC303 Three Channel 300w in all ohms These are what i can find used the other speakers are easy to find the same brand, except the Dan Dagostino that i would need to get another brand amp I'm running 3.7 for 2 ch/left&right Center MCS1 L&R rear cs1.7 4 atmos power point 1.2 and center surround power plane 1.2 4 SS2 subs Anyone have any preference out of these 5 amps?? Any other suggestions? I am so pumped to finally put this together. Thank you Dan |