Dynavector Karat 17D3: retip for $500 or get something new?

I have a Dynavector Karat 17D3 cartridge which I liked soundwise until it began to mistrack severely. Had it examined and it turned out the diamond is almost completely worn out.

I can get it retipped with the new Micro Ridge Stylus for $500. Alternatively, I can attempt to sell it, add $500-$600 and get another cartridge. The question is: can anything it the range of $700-800  sound better than a retipped "old" Karat? 

My system consists of Mitsubishi LT-30 turntable, Nakamichi CA-7A preamp, SONY TA-N330 ES power amp and Solstice MLTL speakers. Speakers are not very bass-efficient so the new cartridge shouldn't be bright.   

@lewm the re-tipping I had done did not include a cantilever replacement, just the stylus. And you are correct that the stylus he attached is not the exact same as the micro-ridge originally used. I'm sure the character has changed somewhat from the original stylus. I think most re-tipping efforts will change the sound somewhat, for better or worse, depending on the quality of materials and craftsmanship. 

All I can really speak for is my own experience, which was exceedingly positive. 

From my correspondence with Joseph:

" I saw your question on Audiogon. Yes, it is possible to remove the Namiki Micro Ridge diamond from the square hole on the end of the 17D3 cantilever and fit a new one. I have done so, myself, so I know it is possible. Yours is an older model with an Ogura diamond cantilever that is just a slot. This would be or should be somewhat easier to do than the completely surrounded Micro Ridge. I have done a zillion Ogura slotted cantilevers.

Please see the photos I have included. In fact, I have retipped these using every method you inquire about successfully depending on the needs of the cantilever. Most of the time, people send me one that is already broken, so I don’t have a choice. They want to keep the diamond cantilever, and sometimes there is no hole or slot left anymore. It’s no problem. I install a surface mount type diamond which I have in stock. These are very short Gyger 2 or Micro Ridge. If the hole is broken and now more like a slot, I can install a full height Micro Ridge. Yours is not a Micro Ridge but an Ogura and it’s a slot, not a hole.

One of my latest feedbacks, if not the latest one, involves a 17D3, the one in the top photo. The customer is very pleased."

Same story again. I’m not sure why do you think everyone should praise some third party re-tipper even if you like your cartridge?

I prefer to pay for a NOS cartridge, not to retipper’s pocked.

Dynavector KARAT cartridges are not so expensive. I just don’t use or buy any retipped or refurbished cartridges (no more, never again).
I believe the Dynavector in Japan can work on those carts better than anyone in this world if someone wish to fix a broken sample. But they will replace the whole cantilever.

Some KARAT cartridges can be purchased for $700-1500 (NEW/NOS). I still have unused 17D2 mk2, shipped another sample to a fellow audiogon member. Also owned Karat 17DS and Ruby 23MR. 

@chakster , I’m sorry if you interpreted my experience as a request for others to praise my re-tipper. I think everyone should form their own opinion, as I have done.

Just to clear up any confusion readers may have from Chakster, I am not requesting that anyone praise anyone. I do hope I have conveyed my own positive experience accurately.

When considering the poster's original question regarding the cost/benefit of just getting a new cartridge vs re-tipping, as one of the few people who have had a Dynavector Karat cartridge re-tipped, I just wanted to share my own experience. I think that's what this forum is all about, right? It's all subjective, and people with relevant experiences throw in their 2 cents!
Right, but I already explained from the technical point of view why re-tipping is not good, so anyone can find and read it. I have not seen any re-tipped sample of KARAT that looks like original.