Does Steely Dan sound bright to you?

This is going to sound like a somewhat random question but I’m wondering how many of you find Steely Dan’s recordings to sound a bit bright. I’m particularly thinking of Gaucho, and Aja but some other recent recordings, too, such as Fagen’s Nightfly.

My typical media include streaming (CD and HD quality) and CD’s. I have not played my old vinyl because I’m presently without a turntable.

At first I thought it was my system and it was driving me a little bit mental; eventually, I decided it wasn't my stuff, it was their stuff. Because most other recordings on the same system with no other changes don’t typically have the brightness of Steely Dan.

Whether or not you’re a fan (I am) Steely Dan has often been a go-to for testing out equipment, so I imagine there will be experiences people have had about this.

P.S. Any other recordings which, for you are unnaturally bright?

Can’t say on these SD albums as my TT is down right now. If it make you feel any better, years ago during/following a binge on either of the two following artists I thought the same held true - Elton John’s “Honky Chateau” LP and Jethro Tull’s LPs either “Living in the Past*” or “Songs from the Woods*.”*can’t recall which for sure LITP I believe
Some what related but not totally. My first exposure to Steely Dan was at the Jethro Tull concert in 1977. We arrived there to be one of the first inside. They were finishing the final set up and had Steely Dan blasting through the stage speakers. Tull was great but I have more recall of the Steely Dan songs it was fantastic. Instant and for ever fan on the spot. Can tell you that when ever i listen either album cassette or quobuz I would not call it bright. They do have a lot going on in the upper range that can present forward though.
Steely Dan at The Gorge was a beautifully balanced holographic experience. Standing in front of the mixing board. Other places around the venue it could be unbearably bright and harsh, like I will never understand why those people didn't move. Worked out good for me though, they never would have all fit in the tiny little sweet spot.
All CDs sound bright to me now when I swap from vinyl. Harsh and less involved.only play CDs in the car now days.i think once you've had a good vinyl player, nothing else compares!