The crossover had an earlier iteration, but mine is the later one. A fellow posted the schematic on a klipsch forum, so if yours were made in the past year or so they probably have that schematic, but perhaps you should pull a woofer and check. If fairly recent, then you need a 2.75 uF and a 2.25 uF as these are directly in series with the tweeter. ODAM caps come in a 2.2 and a 2.7 which is well within the 5% spec on the original Klipsch cap. If you ask Chris when you order he will find you high measuring caps to get you closer to 2.25 and 2.75. The other key one is 7 uF which is directly in series with the midrange driver. I got a high measuring 6.8 for each channel, both are over 6.9 and again, that is well within the 5% spec. There is a 60 uF across the woofer that I didn’t change as it is already a poly cap and the VCap ODAM pair to replicate it would be expensive and large, and it is not in series with the woofer so probably not much effect. Lastly there is a 1.5 uF across the midrange. Probably not a huge effect, but I changed it because I use a lot of 1.5 uF caps and had them in stock. Also a 4 uF across the midrange. I also changed that one, but not as key. The key caps are the 7 uF, and the 2.25 and 2.75. The two resistors are 30 ohm in series with the midrange and 8 ohm across the midrange. It is 25 watt rated. The pathaudio resistors are 10 watt rated, and supposedly are very conservatively rated. If you do the math, a 10 watt resistor is probably adequate. Unless you are running the speaker at clipping constantly. The horns are so efficient I seriously doubt that resistor sees anywhere near 10 watts.. Remember that ODAM caps have conductive bodies so be careful in mounting.