Krell KSA 200s power feed

Hi All.

I wanted to know what your experience is and opinion on powering this amp.

I live in Australia, so our power is 230 volts and 10 amps.
We have always used this amp directly into the wall.
But reading through the manual I can see it’s recommended to have 20 amps into the amp.
I don’t notice any sonic issues with running it directly on 10 amps.
I wanted to know what your opinion was as I was getting an electrician to put some additional power points and whether I should get him to wire a 20 amp line just for the Krell.
You shouldn't have a problem being you are on a higher voltage than the USA. It can make a difference to have a dedicated circuit that's not shared with other stuff from a noise perspective.
I had a Krell 200 FPB stereo amp for a while. When I first got it, I would power it up and the lights in the room would dim. Too many devices on a 20 amp circuit. At the time the house was only 5 years old. I put in a 20 amp dedicated outlet. Two thing were different, no dimming lights and my intermittent hum were gone. The new outlet never changed the way it sounded, once warm it always sound fantastic.
The op is in Australia, where the line voltage is almost double of the USA, so a 10 amp 230 volt circuit is about equal to a 20 amp 120 volt circuit. The only thing we don't know, is it a dedicated outlet.