I’d probably look at the Schiit Saga+ in your budget. I’ve not personally heard the Saga+ but I’ve listened to a headphone preamp and a DAC from them and both sounded very good especially considering the cost. I’ve owned NAD separates including the 1300 preamp, experience with both Adcom 555 and 565, some Carvers, heavily modified (Musical Design) Haflers and none of these are approaching what I’d call higher end being more revealing preamps. I’d take my chances on the Schiit being they have a 15 day money back guarantee and a 5 year warranty if I were you.
It’s all subjective to your system if a higher end more revealing preamp will sound different than your Iris or if it may reveal a weakness in your system which is why I’d take a chance on the $400 Saga+. Be surprised if any mid fi 80s or 90s preamp is going to embarrass the Saga+, but who knows.
It’s all subjective to your system if a higher end more revealing preamp will sound different than your Iris or if it may reveal a weakness in your system which is why I’d take a chance on the $400 Saga+. Be surprised if any mid fi 80s or 90s preamp is going to embarrass the Saga+, but who knows.