HiFi Furniture

This seems to be one area people like me ( if they exist) don’t seems to want to spend much money.

Most importantly the traditional furniture manufacturer s have stopped building anything that looks like a decent 3/4  shed wooden stand.

All we find nowadays is a long tv cabinet to accommodate the tv and the soundbar.
Anything else is usually having glass shelves.

I refuse to pay the exorbitant amounts to the audiophile furniture manufacturers just for the anti vibration characteristics.
I just need something to hold the power amp, pre amp and the phonostage.
Something that looks decent aesthetically a d does the job while not been an arm and a leg in price.
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This is what I use....

It has enough space inside for my source components, with the bottom shelf reserved for my amp. It has worked well, is heavy, and looks nice. I think it looks better than lots of what I've seen sold as audio furniture, plus I like the fact that I can keep dust out with the sliding doors. It is also very deep, a tad over 18 inches. 
Have you looked at the modular stands on Audio Advisor?  How much shelf isolation do you require?