Ok, but does your audio gear have rotons (metamaterials)?

Not yet. But get ready for the LS50 Meta Meta.

"A group of researchers is working on metamaterials that "grow" rotons. Metamaterials exhibit optical, acoustic, electrical, or magnetic properties that are not found in nature.…Thus, it might be possible in the future to better manipulate sound waves in air or in materials, for example, to bounce them back, redirect them, or create echoes. These materials have not been demonstrated experimentally yet; however, it should be possible to produce them by using technologies such as ultra-precise 3D laser printing." https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/06/210610135559.htm
"I believe for the Rotonic Pulse Generator to have an efficacious effect in the Southern Hemisphere, one need simply to flip it upside down."   
     Hadn't thought of that!     Pass it on to Ted (apparently: he hasn't yet, either and might miss that market).    

"Also, the technically correct way to say that expression is ’champing’ at the bit."
     Funny thing: when I type no more than, "chompin" in my search bar, it automatically fills in a series of ways to say, "at the bit".      Guess I'm not the only one that makes that mistake.    

"(No horses were harmed during this correction)".    

     Loved my horses, when I had them (and the rest of my family).    
                            I and the ASPCA thank you!
@clearthinker-   "Rodman, do NOT believe everything you see on the net. As time passes, more and more material is false, sometimes through ignorance, more often through intent to put up false and misleading information."  

     What you, CLEARLY refuse to face, is the fact that everything I posted, has categorically been proven/confirmed, through scientific research and experimentation/testing.  Oh: and most of it, WAY before the Net ever existed.  

                        Something commonly referred to as, "HISTORY".  

      ps: If you're going my make comments regarding a scientific subject: it would behoove you to learn a thing or two (at least) about it, first.      Higher education is your friend!
@asvjerry -  " ...but not surprised, tho.... We be Borg soon enough...."  

       Check this out: http://human20.com/tag/nanotechnology/   

     After clicking on the, "read more" link, be certain to go, "back" and scroll down to the second part of the article (Timeline To Immortality).
"Rodman, do NOT believe everything you see on the net."
How are we supposed to believe you, you posted this on the net.