srmahmud00, it may be that your Electraclear is working against another device or vice versa.
I have a slew of devices based on QRT/particle harmonization-alignment tech from different companies (Quantum Technologies, Add-Powr, Telos, HiFi Tuning, Kemp, Bybee, Audio Magic, etc.). One thing I have is a Wiremold strip with six of the old Quantum Technologies Electraclears plugged into it, and due to space at the time I also had my HiFi Tuning Quantum Plug plugged into the same strip. One day while tinkering around and creating more space I took the HiFi Tuning plug out of the Electraclear strip and plugged it directly into its' own outlet on my power conditioner and there was a night and day difference in that the Electraclears and the Quantum Plug were conflicting with one another in some way.
Now in my case there were two different QRT type devices conflicting, but perhaps the filtering in your power conditioners is an issue? One thing I always do to check on the effect of a device is try it with my video setup, try plugging the Electraclears into where your tv is and see if it makes a difference in it. Video is easier to discern differences in in my experience, then you can experiment from there if you wish (tv plugged into the Panamax or Furman with the Electrclear plugged into them as well).
I have a slew of devices based on QRT/particle harmonization-alignment tech from different companies (Quantum Technologies, Add-Powr, Telos, HiFi Tuning, Kemp, Bybee, Audio Magic, etc.). One thing I have is a Wiremold strip with six of the old Quantum Technologies Electraclears plugged into it, and due to space at the time I also had my HiFi Tuning Quantum Plug plugged into the same strip. One day while tinkering around and creating more space I took the HiFi Tuning plug out of the Electraclear strip and plugged it directly into its' own outlet on my power conditioner and there was a night and day difference in that the Electraclears and the Quantum Plug were conflicting with one another in some way.
Now in my case there were two different QRT type devices conflicting, but perhaps the filtering in your power conditioners is an issue? One thing I always do to check on the effect of a device is try it with my video setup, try plugging the Electraclears into where your tv is and see if it makes a difference in it. Video is easier to discern differences in in my experience, then you can experiment from there if you wish (tv plugged into the Panamax or Furman with the Electrclear plugged into them as well).