Wadia Durability Experience Questions

I am thinking of laying down big green for a new Wadia 270se or 781i. On other Wadia discussion threads I see several posts from owners with Wadia's that need repairs. I am not sure how much influence I should let that have on my decision.

At Wadia prices I expect to never need repairs. But I know that is not necessarily true. I would appreciate it if owners would share their experience on how reliable the various Wadia units are. That includes the operating history both units that did and did NOT need repairs. It may be that some models are more reliable than others.

At any rate, in the future on any thread, it would be helpful if anyone reporting on their repair experience would state the model, age, and what failed. Just stating that their Wadia xxx broke isn't all that useful. If information on age and what broke is supplied then the reader gains useful information. If a two year old unit failed I would be alarmed. If a 12 year old unit failed then it would not mean much to me but might to someone considering purchasing the same model.

This is a great forum and I enjoyed reading all of the Wadia threads. Thanks, Don
I've had the 27 ever since it came out. Had it upgraded to "i" version by Wadia. Purchased a 270 when they came out and upgraded to "se". One rectifier burned out in the 27i that's it. So I'd say this stuff is reliable. BTW: Both units now with GNSC reference mods.
I have had a Wadia 270 SE for about two years. Zero problems and love it. Good luck.
if my memory serves me correctly, almost all the "Wadia needs repair" threads that I have seen here on Audiogon are related to models that are old such as 10+ years. There are very few threads that pertain to recent models. Rja's experience w/ that rectifier burn-out seems like a freak accident 'cuz he is the 1st person that I know who's reported this. there could be others who haven't spoken up?
it is possible that the 270se might not recognize some of the new CD-R mediums but that's cuz the 270se was made at a certain time before these new CD-Rs. This is quite understandable.

anyway, i'd 2nd the others in saying that Wadia gear is very reliable.

The 270se uses the best TEAC VRDS drive. The 781i uses the latest TEAC multi-standard (SACD & CD) drive that is also used in the Esoteric multi-format players. I *think* that they call it "Neo VRDS"?
The 270se drive & the 781i drive should last you 10-15 years easily (if it's not abused). In my experience, if the s.s. piece of gear doesn't fail on its own in the 1st 6 months, it is unlikely to fail thereafter (this excludes power surges from brown-outs, electrical storms, etc).
I have some older gear - a Harmon/Kardon CDP from 1995 & a Sony DVP-S7000 from 1998. The Harmon/Kardon CDP has been in operation since the day I bought it & it works just fine even today, 11 year later! It's NEVER been serviced. This H/K unit doesn't have the build quality of Wadia (far from it) & uses some el-cheapo CD drive. Yet, it's still going strong today.
The Wadia should really be no issue for you reliability-wise, IMHO.
I've had a Wadia 860 since Dec 1997. It's been through the full 860->860x->861->861se upgrade path over the years. The only needed repairs was for an aging laser assembly (wouldn't play some CD-Rs due to lower reflectivity) which was done at the same time as the 'se' upgrade back in 2004.

I wouldn't dream of ever owning another CD player. I'll keep sending it to Wadia or Steve Huntley for repairs/upgrades.

I have a Wadia 850 that I bought new about 6 or 7 years ago. It has never been upgraded from stock, and I've never had a problem. In my opinion, it is still a great CD player and I have no plans to replace it.
