Ok, but does your audio gear have rotons (metamaterials)?

Not yet. But get ready for the LS50 Meta Meta.

"A group of researchers is working on metamaterials that "grow" rotons. Metamaterials exhibit optical, acoustic, electrical, or magnetic properties that are not found in nature.…Thus, it might be possible in the future to better manipulate sound waves in air or in materials, for example, to bounce them back, redirect them, or create echoes. These materials have not been demonstrated experimentally yet; however, it should be possible to produce them by using technologies such as ultra-precise 3D laser printing." https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/06/210610135559.htm
If a speaker falls in a forest with no one in the forest, does it make a sound?
If it’s anything like light, only half of the time. 
Sound is an experience, like color. If a speaker falls it will vibrate the air, but with no one there to hear it there will be no sound. Just as there is no color without an eye to see it there is no sound without an ear to hear it.
@thecarpathian- "Interesting tidbit, when you finish a sentence with three periods instead of the standard single period, that triple period is known as an ellipsis..."

     HEY: I made one of my favorite skydives (perhaps: THE favorite), during the 2017 solar ellipsis...!

     Flew between two huge clouds, for 5000’ and set the record for off-DZ landings, too (9.5 Miles).   GoPro video available, on request.

                                          (while we’re being punny and off topic)
That’s nothing!
You should try a night dive during a full lunar cyclops....
(must be done with one eye shut)
@thecarpathian-   That was hilarious!

       But: Blood Moons scare me, even with BOTH eyes wide shut!

                                Do you really jump?