preamp vs amp: relative effect on sound?

Recently, there was an interesting thread on combining a tube preamp with a SS amp, which is what apparently a lot of people do.

So two questions.

Q1: in a preamp + amp combo, does each unit affect the eventual sound equally, 50/50, or is one going to affect the sound more than the other?

Q2: in a combo of higher gain preamp + lower gain amp, will more gain being provided by the preamp have any effect on your answer to Q1?
Most designers of solid state amplifiers seem to strive for minimal or even zero feedback. Feedback is treated as a negative, something that should be avoided at all cost. Your remark seems to suggest sufficient amounts of feedback are required to reduce distortion. Then why would most solid state designers try to avoid it?
@edgewear  They don't. Solid state amps that eschew feedback are quite rare!
they both have an equal effect but an amp or preamp with distinctive characteristics will dominate.  
In my experience the preamp has an incredible sound impact.

I upgraded from an integrated amp to preamp and amp in two steps.

I first bought a tube preamp (McIntosh C 2600) and it took over the preamp duties from my NAD C375BEE. I was shocked on the impact.

I was able to 'audition' it at home and the improvement in preamp was audible using tape deck, turntable, streamer and burned CDs.(tube preamp has phono stage and DAC built in).  

I then bought a MC 302 McIntosh amp and it was an improvement but I the preamp was the reason the journey was accelerated.  I think its about 65/35 split.  

I can't answer Q2.