Looking for an amp that punches way about its weight and I can grow with

So recently I purchase a McIntosh MC300 from a reputable dealer and got it and plugged it in and turned it and a nice arc/small flame came out the top and then the amp no longer worked.  So I am sending it back, and sending back a McIntosh is no funny it is too heavy and there are too may boxes!!!  Anyway this have given me time to think and do a lot more reading and I find this forum has some very open views on their thoughts which I love.  So that being said I am looking for an amp that punches way above its weight.  They will be driving Martin Logan Electromotion ESL's.  I know that electrostatic speakers require amps over watts (I think that is what I have be reading but I am still learning)

So a couple of the important details; my budget is around $3000 with a little wiggle room.  The rest of my system is as follows: SOTA Sapphire VI turntable, McIntosh MP100 Phono pre, Schiit Feya+ tube rolled pre.  90% of the music I listen to is Rock the other 10% is Jazz.  I am looking for something that will last me awhile and be great for a Martin Logan upgrade at some point.  I have been looking at some stuff by Rogue and Odyssey but dont know the brands well.  I also live out on the middle of nowhere and all I really have available to listen to is McIntosh.  So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.   
Ditto on the Bob Latino VTA-120 amp. With good coupling capacitors and a good rectifier, It's really excellent. Very wide top end. And, if you've got efficient speakers, you can switch into triode mode for that rich mid-range sound.
Check out the ModWright KWA 100SE Power Amp. (I own one)
It works well with a tubed front end.
One word: Carver, the original Bob Carver - made amp.
The formidable but light weight PM 2.0 produces an easy 460 W/channel full range, delivers massive well damped bass and musical and natural mids and highs. It has been a reliable pro amp for touring rock bands and I use one at home in the bass channel of a bi-amped system, as well as  half dozen of these for the bass channels of my large tri-amped pro systems. (stagersound.com).
Back in day 1978 I own MAC gear C28 Preamp & the 2105 Power amp very dark & veil, not a happy camper. In fact the only MAC gear I like is the vintage tuners which I now own the MAC MR 73 I like a dark tuner. I sold the MAC gear for Dynaco gear which was half the price and sound twice or more better. I`ve gone through quite a few amps in my day; eventually I sat in at a PASS LABS listening session it was all over found the perfect mate for my 3.6 MAGGIES the Pass XP30 Preamp & the pass X350 Power amp. I was thinking about a Pass 350.8 however, this 15yr old tank sounds good I think I`ll just have it recapped and enjoy another 15yrs. BTW there`s a used new to you X250 on usaudiomart.com #345 for sale $$ your budget can`t go wrong with PASS the ML`s will stand up and sing Oh happy day Oh happy day when PASS came into my life who ray who ray!!
Van Alstine. I just bought one of Frank’s used solid-state amps from his website. 30 day trial and 1 year warranty. It’s a keeper. You have options here for your 3k, new or used. I Could not be more pleased. Great amp for the money, and very tube-like sound, and I have had tubes for a long time.