Driving YG Carmel's

I have been enjoying my time with the YG Carmel speakers. Have any users of this speaker tried tube amps and/or SET's driving the Carmel's?
I am using a Hegel h-200 with very good results.to gain even more output I am buying XLR interconnects,the new MIT interconnects also have impedance matching switching which balances the network even further.
Adding a high quality powered Subwoofer will give the system even more flexability.p.s your digital choice or turntable will have a big effect
As to the final tonal balance.these speakers donot add any colorations
.even a powercord change will add to the balance after breakin.
I sold the Revels, and the YG Carmel's are more transparent ,seamless,and detailed
Then the B&W diamond which is still a excellent loudspeaker,the cabinet is fuller sounding,the Carmel's only lack lower Bass but a pair of the New JL
audio E-10 subs are superb and 98 % as good as the Fathoms at less then 1/2 the cost,this is now a full range speaker system.i got very lucky on auction here on the Carmel's got them for 1/3 rd the cost,this speaker setup is my new Reference .
Unless I get major bucks this will be my last speaker system.
I'm driving Carmels with Nuforce ref9se v3 with Modwright tube preamp. Really loving these speakers, at first they seemed a little lean, now I just think they are transparent and very revealing. I am curious to try with other amps, possibly a tube integrated like the VAC. BTW any opinions on distance from front wall placement?