Can Anyone Recommend a Good Speaker ?

I'm looking for a speaker that has tight punchy bass ( rather than something that's going to shake the walls ) that can also reveal detail in a recording without being overly bright in the $1,000 - $2,500 range ..monitor or floor stander .
Any suggestions
Look for a used pair of Eggleston Works Fontaines - they deliver tight, punchy bass. I've had mine several years now and nothing has been able to unseat them. The original ones require a sub, but not as necessary for the model IIs, depending on your listening habits and room. The secret to their wonderful sound: no crossovers on the dual mid drivers; extremely inert cabinets; and the most musically satisfying (IMO) tweeter. I believe the Dynaudio Esotar tweeter is the key to acheiving non-irritating/fatiguing HFs.
There is still not enough info to narrow down your choices. What size room? How many watts? What kind of music do you like? WAF?

I will play along anyway.

Philharmonic 2

The room Is relatively small with low ceilings , I collect audio equipment .I've got ..Amps : B&K st140 / Adcom 555/Adcom 555 modified . Krell 250a and an Anthem . Pre amps : Adcom 565/ Audible Illusions and a Mccoramack . CD players : an NAD and a California Audio Labs / I;ve got Audioquest King Cobra inters and Kimber Cable speaker cable ....t
THANKS for your input everyone ...I'm probably gonna go with the Vandersteens or Proacs .I'd like to get a listen to the Dynaudio's and the Linn's but I'd have to venture into NYC ...5 miles away but 2 hours worth of aggravation getting there : (