I do find it interesting that several people have posted comments along the lines of..... I love this song but it is a poor recording (too bright or muffled or whatever) so if your system makes it sound OK then your system is working properly. I don’t follow. A good system IMHO should reveal a poor recording for what it is, not mask it’s faults. If a recording that really is too bright sounds OK isn't the system too dull?
Which leads me to the second thing I find interesting. How many people choose some recordings early on in their quest that perhaps aren’t really great recordings, and then tune their system to make those particular recordings sound good? Example.. They work at it until the bass on recording X sounds great, but how do you know that the bass on recording X is recorded all that well? Just because a reviewer declares it to be a great recording doesn’t make it so. Maybe it just happens to sound really good on his system
Which leads me to the second thing I find interesting. How many people choose some recordings early on in their quest that perhaps aren’t really great recordings, and then tune their system to make those particular recordings sound good? Example.. They work at it until the bass on recording X sounds great, but how do you know that the bass on recording X is recorded all that well? Just because a reviewer declares it to be a great recording doesn’t make it so. Maybe it just happens to sound really good on his system