Gimbal vs unipivot tonearms

Curious as to the difference between these types of arms. In my experience, it seems as if unipivots are much more difficult to handle.

Is it like typical debates - depends on the actual product design/build or is one better sounding or less expensive or harder to set up....?

@rauliruegas, et al:  I wish I could be surprised, by the marked propensity of so many on the 'GoN to assume and advise others; there has to something wrong with their system, without ever being within 100 Kilometers of same.
       Let alone: ever having listened to or tested the other's system.

      "I never can put my hands in a NOS Unitrac and the only time I was nearer to I losted on ebay auction, my lost because I wanted to test it."

       To be clear: are you admitting never having actually tested or auditioned the Unitrac I; with or without any of my previously mentioned cart choices?

        "Btw,my room/system is fine tunned through nearfield real MUSIC tracks LPs tests."

         AS IF: the cited test LP assuredly must be the only way I have fine-tuned MY room/system?    

          Never mind: over five decades of familiarity with the sound of the REAL thing, in a plethora of acoustic environments (good and bad/unplugged and reinforced), when on stage, in a sound booth, an audience and in live venues of my own design and/or recommendations?  

           NOT that I think I have it all together.   Something Feynman often mentioned, during his lectures, when fondly reminiscing about his father, "Never stop learning", (one of his rules of life) has always resonated within me.

                        However: I was NOT born yesterday!

           "...if you don't like it always can return to the Unitrac."

           I'm kinda one of those, "If it ain't broke: DON'T FIX IT" types.

           At the age of 74: I'm not inclined to kid myself about (what's left of) my aural acuity.    Yet my system still manages to amaze my few musician friends extant, as well as those new, I allow to visit my swirling vortex of entropy (read: pathetic, embarrassing abode).  

                   "...enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS"
                                  Trust me: I do TRY!

                      Happy listening and enjoy the journey!

Dear @rodman99999  : "   ever having listened to or tested the other's system "

You are rigth but the unipívot behavior is way similar in between this kind of design. Never mind, you are happy and this is what it counts: rigth?

@rauliruegas:     "You are rigth but the unipívot behavior is way similar in between this kind of design."

         I would never deny that fact, BUT: nor would I ever categorically state that the design could not function very well, if not excellently, if properly incorporated with an appropriate cart, base/suspension, etc.

          You mention having tried to purchase the Unitrac I, on eBay.    Obviously, then: you're familiar with what they can bring, even if just for parts.   Especially: in Japan

           Some out there appear to share my opinions, regarding the arm.

            " are happy and this is what it counts: rigth?"

            Whether when I had my business, the contract work afterward, or running sound for a band; the customer/musicians always got the sound signature that pleased THEM, whether I thought it sucked, or not.

            My philosophy, there: "The customer always thinks they're right!"

             Happily: the vast majority were open to learning and, subsequently, very pleased.
I have a 3D on my Classic 3 Sig SE.
I’m one that tries to turn lemons into lemonade. After I had VPI get the S2P distance right and the addition of the dual pivot upgrade, I’m happy with it. In addition, what made the dual pivot much quieter, is my PEEK film upgrade.  Next is having it rewired with a continuous run of Audio Note silver.
With all due respect and appreciation for the knowledge and experience shared here, the inclusion of an Audiomachina V8 Broad-Spectrum Cartridge/Tonearm Vibration Absorber between the cartridge and tonearm will likely far surpass any difference between a well set up gimbal or unipivot tonearm.