APL NWO2.5 ?

Though I'm not able to hear this player, I'm about to take the plunge......
Is it as good as some audiophiles claim ?
Hbarrel: What are you trying to accomplish? Your arguments are getting mighty thin ;)

A limited production unit is not really a phantom device. At the price level of the NWO series there will be far less units sold than for the AH! Njoe Tjoeb. The fewer buyers, the less the production backlog will be. Works for me...

Unless you live near APL, it may be difficult to audition a unit. I was prepared to buy an established product - the Ayre universal player - until I made a 3 hour comparison with APL Phillips SACD 1000 and decided it would be a step sideways instead of up. My NWO-1 sounds much better than the APL Phillips which sounded much better than my modified Pioneer universal and the Xindak player.

Hi Hbarrel,

True, but I was commenting on an established product. Not some phantom device that doesn't even exist on the companies own web site.

Unfortunately, your reply to my post about your speculation is based on erroneous assumptions. If you had checked out the above links, you would have noticed that the NWO-2.5 was first announced on the APL web site on 8/24/06. (See Announcements in the Digital section of the APL Forum on the aplhifi.com web site. The interactive nature of the web site was achieved by integrating the forum with the web site. Personally, I prefer this to the static one-sided web sites.) What may make that announcement more credible for you is that it was made by an owner of the NWO-2.5, not by the APL staff. You will also find on that site listening impressions by owners of the NW0-2.5 and other audiophiles who have auditioned a production unit. By definition, an object that actually exists is not a phantom. To argue otherwise, has no basis in fact. (Similarly, your speculation, in a previous post above, lacks factual evidence.) Calling the NWO a "phantom device", contrary to the evidence, amounts to name-calling. Personally, I prefer a more civil discussion.

Best Regards,
"The Phantom":-)
Optarchie, you have NWO-2? I am not familiar with your moniker. Please provide more detail.



It's interesting that there are still no answers to this question.
Kaaos, I do not have any dealers and I personally sold each of the NWO players. All of my customers still own their NWO-1, NWO-2 and NWO-2.5. None of them have compared their NWO with a "friend" who has a Meridian 808 either.

This said, Optarchie does not own NWO-2 nor he has ever heard one.
