I believe Spell* + Grammar Checker for English, both to be available on the Net, wherever one lives. *That's what all those little, red squiggles, you must have jumping off the page are about, geleary123.
Perhaps, in some parts of the world; it's harder to get one's EARS checked?
"...so who makes great cables & NO i Don't want Garden Hoses behind my audio rack that don't bend or are so heavy they have to tired up in order not pull down & fall out..."
Funny, you should mention that!
Synergistic Research makes GREAT cables and a couple of mine are iterations of their Power Masters, which ARE (pretty much) the size of garden hose (which ISN'T a proper name, btw) and stiff as a wedding di..., well: you get the drift!
I don't own any high-dollar outlets, NOT that I don't believe they'd make a further improvement, but DID get the best Hospital Safety Grade outlets that I could afford, because they're installed (fed by two runs of 10/2 Romex) twisted around one another), pretty high up on the wall.
I didn't want those lovely sounding, heavy and stiff, suckers stressing the outlets, which I knew wouldn't let go and causing any problems. SO: found a piece of 1/8" (3.175 mm) aluminum sheet and cut a piece to the same width of the outlet, by about 8" (20.32 cm) long. Then: put a 90 degree bend down at the back and a 45 degree bend, up and back (front), on a sheet metal brake. Screwed it to the wall; as support for those babies.
There's 2", wedged, acoustic foam behind my system and to keep my larger cables, such as the afore mentioned and my Tesla Apex pair, from pulling out of to whatever they're attached; I made hooks out of wire coat hangers* and they work GREAT, stuck in the foam.
*OH CRAP, mommy, my bad! (
ders dem squiggles again, dam it