First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)

Right now have di20he -> terminator -> he9 -> pass x350.8 -> ATC scm7 / NS5000.
I am thinking of introducing some tubes into my chain. I like the sound I am getting but want to explore what tubes can do to the sound (slight warmth, biggest soundstage, better layering etc etc). Don’t want to go to nuts on price. If price is over $5k would consider if its really exceptional (but for sure not over $10k). Totally fine with used. Balanced would be nice but not mandatory.
So far I am thinking RP7, EVO400, bhk. Any thoughts?
You need to check out Aric audio. They are a small Company on the East Coast, All American made, Point to point wiring, very good products and priced just right. His new top-of-the-line Motherlode 2 preamp is getting some buzz. I own one of his earlier top-of-the-line preamp and also his top-of-the-lineTranscend MM phono stage, I love both pieces.
TUBE PRE-AMP? - - -  No contest there.  PRIMA LUNA EVO400 
Pre-amp. You will love it !!
@invalid I talked to the space tech labs guy and the 1 thing I didn't like he wasn't willing to show me the internals (he claims since he doesn't want people to copy him). Its something I don't like about mcintosh either.

@ebm, I just realized the Vac is actually the older non-SE model. I did hope for the SE model. Also my local dealer (Angie's audio) told me that if I bought ARC or VAC used from someone (not her) that she would not give me any support (even paid support) so that makes me wary about getting ARC/VAC. Kevin at VAC told me to go to Angie and he wouldn't help either.

@soix, ya gonna look hard at teh don sachs, he gets lots of praise.

@dep14, really impressive you liked the c2700 over the xp22.

@elliottbnecombjr, Luxman is awesome and I'd love to own their TOTL tube pre or c900u. Not too interested in vintage though.

@knighttodd, good thought, will consider

@audioman58, @dmcneilr, ya I got AGD HE9 right now and its a solid preamp, used it for 4 years. Didn't realize their vacuum preamp is that good wow! Beating the evo400 is nuts.

@twodolphins, Atmasphere looks nice for sure.

if you are patient, you can find a great Shindo in that price range.  A few Monbrison and Massetto models (both including a great phono stage) sell here on Audiogon in your prices every year.  you won't find a better tube pre.  Shindo's are exceptional

in same price range could also get an upper end Air Tight.

but to be honest, the rest of your system is so solid state high powered forward that I have no idea how the high end tube pre will blend with the rest of your gear.  might be amazing.  might not.

But both Shindo and Air Tight make exceptional tube Pre-amps.  Shindo being truly special.

There are others I could suggest. But those are truly amazing.
