Different amplifier class for different music genres?

I was reading a review of the Gryphon Antileon Evo in another forum and one user was saying that in the High bias mode the amplifier was excellent for classical music but not so good for metal or hard rock, perhaps softening the transients. For metal or hard rock he preferred the Low bias mode and he suggested that the Gryphon Diablo will be more suitable for this type of music (of course one is a final amp, the other an integrated one).

So the question is: does the class of the amplifier matter or better suit the type of music you are listening to? 

I have never owned a class A amplifier and I am itching to try some. I am currently using Hypex based diy monos driving Vienna Acoustics Mahler speakers.

I use my Benchmark AHB2 and neutral  HPA4 preamp and DAC3B for hard rock such as, Zeppelin, Maiden (especially the album with "Running Free").

I have Thiel CS3.7 and the AHB2 are not ideal power wise so I have occasionally switched it up with a powerful Class D amp, D-Sonic M3a  800s. I am getting the CODA #8 to alternate with my AHB2 monos.

For most other music I use my warmer gear such as the CODA 07x preamp and Gustard X26 Pro DAC. 

It is a breeze to flip the amps the way I have it setup.
I have a Cambridge Audio Azul 851 A Intergrated it’s there own type I guess. A/b technically. I like it fine. Best amp I owned. However I been infacturated lately with Jeff Rowland but I’d only be able to afford one of his type D like a 525. ( Dream would be a 625- A/b) My question is would I’d be downgrading going to the JR-525 even though it’s considered high end?
OP, ask a sincere question, this forum will often give you lame dismissals from glib fools.  
Class of amp is not particularly relevant, in my experience. Lots of other variables that are more specific, but also resist easy generalization.  But I just found a heavy metal match made in heaven.  For example, I put silver interconnects in on Friday for the first time, and combined with my ultra-fast and clean nagra psa solid state amp, I reconnected with TOOLs latest album with crazy fast transients and precise treble in a new way.  Some of the warmth I like with my piano trio jazz music is missing, though.  

@redwoodaudio That sounds like what happened to me with Iron Maiden’s self titled album from 1980. I could not believe how fast that was on my RAAL SR1a headphones (with silver headphone cable) and a new combination of 2 channel gear.

I will give TOOL latest a spin tonight. I have not heard it for long time and especially with the new combo of gear I used.

OP, ask a sincere question, this forum will often give you lame dismissals from glib fools.

Lincoln had a good quote for these characters.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

The way it works is this, and it’s written in stone by the world’s most renowned amplifier designers:

Mixed music genres: Class AB (mixed class amp)

Single music genre: Class A (it’s pure)

Digital sources, syntho-pop, rap/hip-hop, computer generated artificial music: 
Class D (keep it all digital)

All genres pre-1965: Tube amps (keep tube sources in the tube house)

Its all very simple. So many in here have it all so screwed up!