For a HiFi Enthusiast, there is a lot of excitement in the in the prospect of creating a Vinyl Source and chain in a System.
You are fortunate to have been loaned a TT Set Up that has a well received appraisal and should be quite capable of showing a very good
presentation in a comparison to your Digital Set Up.
The budget that allows for an allocation of 10K to acquire your Vinyl Set Up is quite substantial and leaves you wide open to many permutations, from Cartridge through to Phonostage.
If used Items are considered the list of options is extremely broad.
You are totally satisfied with your digital set up, so no requirements are urgent to get you enjoying music.
As for the Vinyl, try out a variety of TT's before committing.
Belt Drives, Direct Drives, Idler Drives.
An hour or so around each Type, should help you discover your leanings toward a preferred presentation from a Motor Drive.
By arranging to try out a selection TT's you will naturally be introduced to various Tonearms and Cartridges and this will increase on your experiences with options on the TT Set Up.
Using ones own ears, and taking the time to spend meeting with others and conversing, will also be a great way to gather experiences and understand the reasons why a individual is using the equipment you are having a demonstration of.
Your own assessments prior to a purchase, will be critical to feeling you got absolute value from your allocation of funds.