Chained speakers signal connected in series

I have two pairs of the same model speakers (Tannoy SGM 10B) connected in series to two monoblock amplifiers. The left channel amp drives two speaker cabinets on a left (speakers L1 and L2) and the right channel amp drives two speaker cabinets on a right (speakers R1 and R2).
The positive speaker output of the left amp is connected to a positive post of the first speaker L1(+). Then the negative post of the same first speaker L1(-) is connected to positive post of the second speaker L2(+) with the its negative post L2(-) connected to the amplifier's negative speaker output.

AMP(+) > L1(+)
L1(-) > L2(+)
L2(-) > AMP(-)

Both left channel speakers have a cross-overs build in. Does the audio signal that the first speaker L1 receives from amplifier is any different from a signal the second speaker L2 receives from speaker L1? Does the crossover of the first speaker L1 modify the output signal that goes to a second speaker L2?
      Regarding those voice coils, impedances and such:

      The chart shown: for an 8 Ohm (nominal) speaker

                 Note the lower freq impedance dip.        
       btw, for clarity: What I listed above is all found in ONE, SGM 10B crossover network and the system’s two drivers.
rodman - That's all good info, but when I saw "geek" letter for ohms instead of Greek letter, it made me skeptical😁 The clarity thing I mentioned is from my testing, I had to prove it to myself. The theory about multiple drivers over the same frequency range is pretty well known. This is for high frequencies mostly, but also applies to the midrange in my listening tests.
esputnix - To make your listening tests more meaningful and convincing, use an SPL meter to make sure the listen levels are both the same. I would also use the same program material, speaker placement and distance from the speakers to your listing position. All things being the same, something louder will appear to "sound" better.
@fiesta-    I had posted, regarding how humorous that was, then thought about my own failings at being perfect (ALL the time) and deleted that line.
(part of my typical typing/posting/editing method in here, as outlined elsewhere)

      I'd also noticed, "symbolised", in the same sentence, which, for all I know, may indicate: he's from Britain (or something, maybe), which still wouldn't account for a Geek omega.

       Far as, "skeptical": I've known everything in that portion of the article, for decades and am confident of it's accuracy.  😉

        btw: When I said, "...might just sound a little different...": I was being facetious.

         I can't imagine that sounding worth a crap, for the reasons mentioned (especially: back EMF, feeding the next system)!   But then: I've never connected Tannoys in series, so: what do I know?

                                         Happy listening!

 I will share the numbers once I'm done! Your analogy of a 103dB speaker also got a chuckle out of me. 103dB @ 1watt,1meter distance is not that loud, really.


At 1000 watts with 12 ribbons and planars drivers, I'm no where NEAR my system. Not to mention the other 20 MB and sub drivers, driven by 2 12K class ds. It would cave your chest in.. MB are 93% E 8" drivers

Add my center channel of 16 more neo 8 planars. We are close to BLASTING the meat off the bone at 3 meters. I would say 130 db would be conservative. I have guinea pigged a few smart A$$ kids.. It's left them with a nose bleed or two.. LOL

I'm sensitive I guess. :-)

I actually have ear plugs in right now!! Unless I'm sleeping or listening to music/TV they are in my ears.. At 66 I still spend a lot of time with noisy hand held tools.. My clunky fingers have a tough time after I use them for a while.. THUS the ear plugs stay in.. Not out.. 45 year now. 

I listen most of the time after 23-2400 hours. 2-6 watts with 6V6s and maybe 20 watts for the bass and 10-15 watts sub.. I can hear it EASY in a 25 x 40 x 16 wood shop.

BUT the issue is in series, imhififan made a good point. IN SERIES the second speaker is getting only what is NOT filtered from the first XO.

Sound different? Sound BAD is more like it, real bad.

Parallel will work with a stout class D no problem. I'd even say work well.

I like mids 300 hz and UP AT least 6 ohms 10-16 is even better. Valves don't like that low of numbers. My Macs will run at 2 ohms.
Sound BAD at best.. 8 ohms or > they just twinkle.
