I would check out a pre-owned Conrad Johnson ET-5. It is essentially 1/2 of a CJ GAT1. It listed for $9,500 when discontinued a couple of years ago and are now available for $3,500 to $4,000.
This preamp uses a single 6922 tube, and it's pretty easy on them, too. So, I run a Telefunken 6922. It sounds great with the Siemens 6922 tube, as well.
I love the sound-stage this preamp/tube produces. Perfect width, excellent depth. It doesn't mess with high quality recordings; vinyl or CD's.
This one is a "can't miss." And, no, I am not a dealer.
This preamp uses a single 6922 tube, and it's pretty easy on them, too. So, I run a Telefunken 6922. It sounds great with the Siemens 6922 tube, as well.
I love the sound-stage this preamp/tube produces. Perfect width, excellent depth. It doesn't mess with high quality recordings; vinyl or CD's.
This one is a "can't miss." And, no, I am not a dealer.