Based on my reading, personal experience, and many visits to Japan, my list of the best would include, in no particular order:
Sony PSX9,
Yamaha GT2000X,
Technics SP10 Mk3,
Kenwood L07D,
Luxman PD441,
Pioneer Exclusive P3,
Denon DP100M and DN308,
and I’d be willing to add the Onkyo PX100M on faith. What have I missed? Victor TT101/801, I guess. Honorable mention to Denon DP80/75 and a few Pioneer models below the P3. Anyone want to add to this "ultimate" list, without compromising too much?
@lewm Good to see LUX PD-441 (small one) in your list, but why not PD-444 (big one) ? Or it was a typo?