
Dear friends, I am interested in changing my crossover capacitor of 100uf 630VDC they are Auydn Q6 caps but I feel there is room for improvement if I put in better caps can anyone suggest what will be the best cap.
@erik_squires-     'Man, I no longer have the time and energy to explain the basics, let alone the subtleties of even ordered crossovers. This crap is why I barely post here."

          Things certainly have been getting silly, in these parts!

     Crossover gurus, that can't understand (maybe) an 8 Ohm, 130Hz*, 12dB/oct (Butterworth), low-pass network?   🙄

                                 *260Hz, if 4 Ohm
100uf 6

Are you sure its 100uf.
Thats a  lot of uf's. My Seas W18E001 woofers take either a 10uf or 8uf, I am running 12uf, Mundorf SESGO and Supreme Silver Oil
Best  caps for rock solid bass
I've found the copper foil in oil caps from companies such as dueland, Jupiter and miflex sound the best, but these can get quite expensive and are quite large

VERY Expensive. I prefer Mundord SESGO or Supreme Silver at just alittle less cash and stunning results. 
Mundorf Mcap,

I've tried Mundorf's lower priced caps, Not even close in perforance to their top of line SESGO and Supreme Silver Oil. Another member here swears by the SESGO, and he is correct, they out perform the Supreme SilverGold. 
Something about the EVO winding tech withina  Supreme casing, makes the superior sonics. 
Not cheap, but well worth it for the nuances. 
Alumen Z are not cheap

These are the caps Troels Gravensen employs, 
No not cheap at all, , I went with Mundorf SESGO and Supreme Silver Oil.
Which out performed Mundorf's Aluminum caps 
The SESGO are about same price as Zcaps.