How many of you are digital only systems?

I currently have an all digital setup, streaming and stored digital files and ripped CD’s on my Innuos Zen mkIII via Chord Qutest to a PrimaLuna EVO 400i. I have been contemplating adding analog to my system, like a Clearaudio concept table. I am NOT hear to debate which one is better, so please don’t turn it into that, I understand the differences. How many of you are digital only? If you listen to digital as well, please tell me why. Is it because of sonic qualities or just the nostalgic reasons of spinning vinyl. I just don’t know if I want a turntable because it would be new gear to play with or if I think it has sonic qualities that I am missing with digital. I would have to buy new vinyl as I really only have a few of my albums from when I was teenager in the 80’s. Maybe I should just put the money towards upgrading digital components, even though I love my Qutest/Zen combo, I could move up in their line?? Am I missing something truly special in the audio world if I’m all digital? Thanks for your thoughts 
I have a great digital front end Esoteric 03XD but an equally great turntable TW Acustic AC 3 with Tw 10.5 tonearm I enjoy both equally well.
One of three of my sources is analog (tt), but I enjoy all of them cause all of them have their pluses and minuses and no dogmatic approach to it cause for example some LP albums r sound much better than their digital version and some albums r better on CDs or streaming. So please let it be. All sources r good and we just need to optimise, clarify and detail the tract whatever it digital or analog. 
I am 100% streaming (Tidal and Qobuz via Roon).  I think digital/streaming is even more complex than analog.  Software, hardware, jitter control, Ethernet/WiFi, DACs, power supplies, all these can be optimized for best digital sound.  I’m glad I found a server expert, Lucas Audio Labs, who takes care of all the details remotely.  If I were putting it all together, I’d be lost.