If you own quality monitor speakers you want to read this new review

Today, my review on the NSMT 20M Armada speaker was just posted on Stereo Times. It will give you all the details regarding way this two piece (Monitor mounted on a band-pass active sub-woofer pedestal) is a superlative full range speaker.

However, if you love your monitor speakers you owe to yourself to read the details that explain the difference between adding a pair of sub-woofers vs. a pair of band-pass sub-woofers, because their effect will transform your monitors seamlessly into a full range system. Not just bass extension, but because of how a band-pass active sub-woofer fills in the power range (lower mid-range/upper bass) and also pressurizes your room so all the ambient cues that create, both power deep accurate bass and a vast panoramic layered sound-stage. I ran a detailed extensive process involving over ten monitor speakers with a pair of excellent sub-woofers compared to the MSNT band-pass sub-woofer pedestals, and every time the sonic "magic" took place that was quite different then using a pair of sub-woofers. If you own Harbeth or other highly regarded British monitors you will be amazed what will take place in your listening room. There is also a detailed explanation that lays out the difference between an active band-pass design and a normal sub-woofer.   Terry London/Teajay
I am mostly retired now from being involved in the audio industry.
I ran a retail location of a small chain that sold Krell Threshold Thiel Martin Logan and Dunlavy. 
We also designed and installed custom car stereo systems including a band pass box designed by one of our installers that sounded really good. While the large 15 in subs would move the building they never had that mid bass punch that (The Terry Smith  Box) provided nor did the big woofers blend into the midrange like the bandpass 8s did. The preponderance of bass info is from 100hz and up..thats the punch and life of what we hear in most music.
The other big problem with larger woofers and their enclosure is the box itself is a passive radiator. So when you set your crossover point at 80hz..your box will have harmonics radiating acoustic energy into the room. The box design matters and is a major obstacle to articulate and clean bass. DSP may help in someways but there will always be harmonics that will interfere with midrange clarity. Interfering energy can always get in the way and become part of the intended music signal.
 An other thing I purchased the small container of Elixir contact enhancer  from the makers of High Fidelity cables. The stuff works. 
A friend came over who heard my system just prior to application..
Today he said we said there was more mid bass punch and apparent speed to the point I may not need my subs. The bass driver is the new and incredible 6.5 in from Purifi. Apparent noise and grit and grunge is much reduced with this treatment the highs are more coherent and articulate...and mid bass punch...is incredible. Tom
What's quasi-anechoic mean?  Isn't it more common to specify an environment as being anechoic to some frequency.
I think I’m at the point now where I don’t believe any first-person reviews of anything unless they are comparing A back-to-back with B and they have some pluses and minuses for each.
I wish you and some of the others posters would read the details in the review regarding the differences between regular sub-woofers, like your 

OP LOL no one reads anything they just spew opinions, right or wrong. Welcome to the machine.