If you own quality monitor speakers you want to read this new review

Today, my review on the NSMT 20M Armada speaker was just posted on Stereo Times. It will give you all the details regarding way this two piece (Monitor mounted on a band-pass active sub-woofer pedestal) is a superlative full range speaker.

However, if you love your monitor speakers you owe to yourself to read the details that explain the difference between adding a pair of sub-woofers vs. a pair of band-pass sub-woofers, because their effect will transform your monitors seamlessly into a full range system. Not just bass extension, but because of how a band-pass active sub-woofer fills in the power range (lower mid-range/upper bass) and also pressurizes your room so all the ambient cues that create, both power deep accurate bass and a vast panoramic layered sound-stage. I ran a detailed extensive process involving over ten monitor speakers with a pair of excellent sub-woofers compared to the MSNT band-pass sub-woofer pedestals, and every time the sonic "magic" took place that was quite different then using a pair of sub-woofers. If you own Harbeth or other highly regarded British monitors you will be amazed what will take place in your listening room. There is also a detailed explanation that lays out the difference between an active band-pass design and a normal sub-woofer.   Terry London/Teajay
Tejay, in your review published review you mention that you had jumper cables made to connect the monitors to the sub.  So would it be correct to say that you connect your monitors to the sub and then connect the sub to your amp.  You set the crossover frequency, phase, volume in the sub.  If so, I can see why it is so easy to integrate.  Great review.  The only issue I can see is having the veneer of the sub not match the veneer of your speakers if your using another brand of monitor....could bother some people.
Hey jaudio1,
Thanks for the kind words towards my review. I would explain the hook-up this way, the monitor,regardless of which one you use, is directly driven by the main amplifier because the speaker wire goes directly into its terminals. Then, the jumpers connect the band-pass section with the full run monitor, which is driven and tuned by its own active amplifier and controls. Regarding, the matching of the veneers and the platforms: I can see some individuals getting them in a black finish that would look good and general support visually any color/veneer of the mounted monitor. However, the monitors I tested the platforms with were all walnut,except one which was gloss black, and looked great as a pair.

alanhuth is correct. Don’t believe anything unless there is a direct comparison. I could describe Apple air pods and good detail, excellent soundstage and imaging. Good bass but but a little warm and lacking depth. Easy to setup and great build quality, fits in your pock wow amazing, new standard…..
I could describe a pair of grado e225 headphones as bright, poor build uncomfortable, lacking deep bass.

Now compare these two and the Grado is better in every aspect of sound and not even close.
Without comparison there is no point. Even from memory is fine with me. I just look at pictures, price, conclusion and skim for a comparison. If there is no comparison in the review I just move on.
Dear @amorstereo :There are some critical issues in that set up that are wrong:

first is that any two way speakers with concentric tweeter or not and running in its full frequency range develops very Intermodulation Distortions and this means that midrange/hig frequencies quality performance is non-adequated.

The main target when using subwoofers with those kind of monitors is to lower that high IMD using a high-pass filter to liberate the monitors of bass frequency response from 80hz and down and at the same time to have a true excellent bass range performace, this bass range is the foundation of the Music system reproduction and as better the bass range of the system as better its overall quality performance.

That " band-pass " kind of set up does not avoid that developed IMD and even makes it worst with added bass unit crossing as band-pass and I say bass unit because that is not a true subwoofer.

I'm using two true subs and I have first hand experiences on what I say.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,