Blindfold Speaker testing

So if we made a  experiment where a  group of seasoned audiophiles had to choose  which speaker is best over all, 
6 brands all hidden behinda  curtain.
5 top dawgs in the xover box low sens design and 1 of the high sens PS design. How do you think the results will come out?
But we will not tell the group what speakers are behind the curtains, They will have no idea 1 of the speakers is Point Source. 
How do you think the, or lets say which 1 speaker do you think would come out on top?
No lets do this, Lets give the  group a  list of 5 speaker brands, Walsh, Wilson, Tannoy, and 2 others which are very popular, like Joseph with the Seas. 
and 1 more,
The mystery speaker is not listed, so they have no idea what speaker it is.
The ? speaker is the high sens Point Source.
Now Richard Gray hosts this *guess which speaker event* as he is a  master of these types of gimmicks and  has seasoned audiophiles fooled every single time.
Which speaker do you think will make top of the list in results??
I know.
The Mystery Speaker.
Then Richard pulls the curtain and reveals the winner.
Got ya
The Hifi Guy

The point of this excercise is to show how inefficient = read INEffective,,are the box xover things we all grew up with and is now longgg past time to leave those boom boxes behind.
Xovers will be shown, proved to be ~~flawed~ designs.

The very few Audiogon members who do  own AER and Vox are sitting on the sidelines, just reading these posts , and having a good laugh.
They well know what they have, which is a shame.
They ought to speak out as having owned neverly every loud speaker and now have settled on the high sens as their ultimate listening experience.
High sens owners are like a small closed niche, a Exclusive Club.
They pop in and make a few comments and pooof, gone .
For some reason they do not like to hang around here on Audiogon.
I guess they feel, why argue, why belabor the issue.
The xover group will never come over to FR and the High Sens will never ever go back to xovers.
And a wide gap separates the 2 camps forever.
There is no middle ground.
"They pop in and make a few comments and pooof, gone ."
something i hope you aspire to do

It is the Emperor's new clothes all over again.

Who wants to look the fool ?

This is why most "Experts" will tell you blind testing is meaningless.

Just remember "Everybody plays the fool sometimes..."
No exception to the rule.

That said I'm game!!!
Where are the Goners who enjoy talking about the eight amps they bought so far in 2021? They are posturing as members of the rich
and famous. So lease a space of 5.000 sqft somewhere central like Denver or Phoenix and I will volunteer gather all the equipment required from makers who want to participate. PM me if anyone is serious about this.

Long time ago my brother auditioned speakers in audio store. Salesman stated that first speaker is so good, that basically there is no need for anything else and it sounded good indeed. Then he presented more expensive one just in case "if my brother’s hearing apparatus is superior". This speaker sounded better than the first one. Then he presented top of the line speaker that sounded wonderful. He left my brother in silence for 5 min. serving other client and then offered one more speaker that is less expensive, but as good sounding as the top of the line one - a real bargain. It sounded great and my brother bought it. He found later that it was the first one he listened to. It was twenty years ago, but he still likes them (Cabasse).

There are so many factors involved, including suggestion (placebo effect), passing time, amount of time in between, music piece etc. that it is difficult to tell the difference. I’m pretty sure all speakers don’t sound the same, so Richard Gray’s experiment shows only uselessness of the method.