all your theories and hypothesis are great.But you really need to hear it to understand where I'm coming from. The Audio Sector DAC has sufficient drive. Probably more than many players. I've never heard a player or DAC make a garbage recording sound good. It is what it is. I can assure you jitter performance is excellent with this combo. I do use a Superclock 3 in the transport.
There maybe nothing magical about the BVaudio SR10 output impedance but it's better than most players on the market o/p. The output impedance and voltage of the analog outputs do attenuate the signal in interconnects if not sufficient correct?
Maybe we're talking about two different things here. I'm talking about the addition of a buffer for people using passives or changing the preamp to one with a higher input impedance. Also the impedance does matter when driving long interconnects or passives. I would rather have more drive than not enough in any case. I wish you were closer ..I could quickly prove your hypothesis wrong. Anyone that has tried this knows what I'm talking about.
You must ask yourself. Why use a preamp between your Wadia and amplifier? Besides the need for other inputs. After all you are double buffering already. What do you gain when using the preamp/buffer than not using it between the Wadia?
I suspect you use the preamp because it sounds better to you than running the CD player direct to the amplifier...correct. So because you do this the Wadia must not have sufficient drive...correct? Ok I was being sarcastic with that one. :-)
What I'm doing is no different than you using the CAT preamp in the loop. Now do you understand?
There's a reason why APL,RAM and other modders concentrate so much on the output stage of their players. Which includes doing away with the negative feedback opamps in some cases. I noticed most of them use single ended designs with no negative feedback and powerful output transformers in their top players. I added the same thing ..just in a different chassis.LOL
I can imagine handling interconnect interactions is a walk in the park for such players. Never heard the APL..but just from what's used, the output impedance(should be quite low using a tube and output transformers) and high voltage should make one powerful sounding player! There's no denying it, the presence of power in the right place makes one hell of a difference in sound!
Oh yeah..the piper is one happy camper! ;-)
all your theories and hypothesis are great.But you really need to hear it to understand where I'm coming from. The Audio Sector DAC has sufficient drive. Probably more than many players. I've never heard a player or DAC make a garbage recording sound good. It is what it is. I can assure you jitter performance is excellent with this combo. I do use a Superclock 3 in the transport.
There maybe nothing magical about the BVaudio SR10 output impedance but it's better than most players on the market o/p. The output impedance and voltage of the analog outputs do attenuate the signal in interconnects if not sufficient correct?
Maybe we're talking about two different things here. I'm talking about the addition of a buffer for people using passives or changing the preamp to one with a higher input impedance. Also the impedance does matter when driving long interconnects or passives. I would rather have more drive than not enough in any case. I wish you were closer ..I could quickly prove your hypothesis wrong. Anyone that has tried this knows what I'm talking about.
You must ask yourself. Why use a preamp between your Wadia and amplifier? Besides the need for other inputs. After all you are double buffering already. What do you gain when using the preamp/buffer than not using it between the Wadia?
I suspect you use the preamp because it sounds better to you than running the CD player direct to the amplifier...correct. So because you do this the Wadia must not have sufficient drive...correct? Ok I was being sarcastic with that one. :-)
What I'm doing is no different than you using the CAT preamp in the loop. Now do you understand?
There's a reason why APL,RAM and other modders concentrate so much on the output stage of their players. Which includes doing away with the negative feedback opamps in some cases. I noticed most of them use single ended designs with no negative feedback and powerful output transformers in their top players. I added the same thing ..just in a different chassis.LOL
I can imagine handling interconnect interactions is a walk in the park for such players. Never heard the APL..but just from what's used, the output impedance(should be quite low using a tube and output transformers) and high voltage should make one powerful sounding player! There's no denying it, the presence of power in the right place makes one hell of a difference in sound!
Oh yeah..the piper is one happy camper! ;-)