What is the #1 equipment want currently on your HiFi horizon???

Okay I will start. 

1. Reclocker for my DAC. 
For MC to sell his Herron phono stage to me for $2500.

Dream on.  

I'm dreaming of a Onkk Cue and Soundsmith SG1. If that dream came true I might just maybe sell the Herron. But not for $2500. Not with all the TC, fO.q and Krissy magic mine has. Add another thou, at least. 

Not to worry, it would still be a bargain even at $4k. 

My #1 real answer is the Raven Blackhawk, already on order. Question then will be does that fill the bill, or is it a place holder for when they can build me a Reflection?

Dr Feikert Trio with a Kuzma 4 point 11.

But if we are talking obtainable now with current funds, I would like to know if there is a non VPI tone arm that I can mount to my VPI Super Prime Scout.

Unless VPI will make the gimbaled arm on the new Prime 21 available to purchase seperately for a reasonable price.
Thanks to a certain member who will go unnamed but has a fetish for white hot stampers my next audio purchase will be a turntable. 
I resemble that remark!
A larger, heavier version of something I already have.   Delivered when my wife is not home.