Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO

James, I haven’t tried all combinations yet but there are benefits to be had by experimenting.

I tried my Hydra 8 into the Puritan and no improvement on the meter and SQ suffered. Haven’t tried reversing this yet.

My wallwart power supplies are now in the digital outlets on the Hydra 8, on it’s own outlet. Sounds better plus dropped the mV on my meter by 10. Hence I put the wallwart from my Synergistic FEQ into my Hydra 4 (which is daisy-chained to my V-Ray) on the other dedicated line.

I experimented moving my AddPower pluggins, and they are now on separate outlets instead of parallel. One on each dedicated line. These devices make a big improvement in my system.

When Is first installed the Hydra 8 and V- Ray, the reading on my meter was around 260 mV. When I substituted the Puritan for the Hydra 8, the reading was 112mV. The Puritan feeds my front end only.

Last evening, I was getting readings as low as 54mV. It was the same this morning until businesses started up again. This is proof that listening at night does sound better. Last night, everything was sounding so real, so great!

Everyone's power situation is different. These are my results.
Steve, Thanks! That is very useful information for me.
Last evening, I was getting readings as low as 54mV. It was the same this morning until businesses started up again. This is proof that listening at night does sound better.

This is exactly what I also know to be true, without a meter, I hear obvious improvements here beginning late evening, and during other more randomly occurring time periods. My feeling is that air conditioners are quite big culprits. Not just our own here. When I got my Hydra things improved some. But, I’m still going to keep on at attempts to further clean up my power supply.
Steve, sorry if you’ve mentioned this already but which Add-Power plug ins do you use, EU2s?