What is the #1 equipment want currently on your HiFi horizon???

Okay I will start. 

1. Reclocker for my DAC. 
I've been toying with the idea of investing in an R2R DAC.  Specifically the Denafrips Pontus II. 

I haven't pulled the trigger because I'm fairly confident it wont be a order of magnitude improvement over my current Gustard X16.  

I'm keeping and eye on the used market and if a good deal on a Pontus II pops up, I might go for it.
I haven’t pulled the trigger because I’m fairly confident it wont be a order of magnitude improvement over my current Gustard X16.

not gonna happen... order of magnitude improvements just don’t happen in this pursuit unless you are talking about spendor sp100's over bose 301’s

$1700 chi-fi r2r dac over $600 chi-fi ds unit... lucky if its 10-15% better... then we all decide how much that is worth to us...

but once you have heard better, the lesser option is pretty hard to retreat to...
Definitely going back to Magico. Miss them so much since I changed them to YG.
Right now I’m working on component isolation,and still playing with different cables.  I would like to add a more competent CD transport before retirement.  But as we all know,directions can change in the blink of an eye.