Feynman tells the story of all these great physicists sitting around the table at Los Alamos- Bohr, Fermi, et al- trying to figure out what is going on. First one, let’s say it was Bohr although I don’t remember. Not important. What matters is he nails it. Absolutely nails it. Accounts for everything. Feynman is thinking wow that was fast we are done!
But then they continue around the table, and one after another proposes alternative explanations. Feynman is all, "WTF?!" Not literally, but he really is wondering what is going on? Can they all not see the first answer is the one?
This continues until they all have spoken. At which point the leader says, "Well it is settled then, Bohr’s theory is the one." They all agree. And just like that they are done.
Marvelous story. A lesson for us all.
But then they continue around the table, and one after another proposes alternative explanations. Feynman is all, "WTF?!" Not literally, but he really is wondering what is going on? Can they all not see the first answer is the one?
This continues until they all have spoken. At which point the leader says, "Well it is settled then, Bohr’s theory is the one." They all agree. And just like that they are done.
Marvelous story. A lesson for us all.