Warm Rich Lush Speakers...Recommendations?

Looking for recommendations that would fit this description. In the $4k to $8k range. Thanks.
Define: warm and Rich and Lush. I am not sure what these terms mean.

Then, can a speaker sound warm rich and lush regardless of the music being played?
"Does your recommendation have anything remotely related to the pair you are currently listing for sale?

Well you are a fine one to talk. As a so-called 'dealer,' What are we to make of all your equipment opinions and recommendations?
I'll define warm, rich and lush... from my perspective. It is recorded piano sound that is not thin, and has the body and size and heft of sound that approaches the real thing (as opposed to a miniaturized sound like that of a wraith, w/o the body texture of the real thing)--- and gives this w/o ever making you cringe from harsh, strident transients (that is the warm as opposed to strident part). Same with recorded clarinet, solo violin, or any instrument --- including human voice. The absence of grating, metallic, mechanical sounding harshness and/or sibilance is what enables one to play the recorded music at volumes that approximate the live music event --- without accompanying harshness. As volume goes up, fullness and body goes up.

Then based on your perspective these things,warm rich lush, are desirable in all speakers. At least that's what I would assume. I wanted to reply that everyone is looking for those qualities in a speaker. But I guess there is another perspective, which we will no doubt hear.
The Vienna Acoustics Mahlers are just about what you describe.
I owned a pair...they were/are among the most beautifully voiced loudspeakers I've ever heard.
For further tweaking, they have a treble and bass + and - setting...not so purist audiophile but absolutely wonderful for room and acoustic anomalies.
I loved, no, make that LOVED my pair and recommend them whole heartedly.
I only sold them as I'm a hopeless audiophile dilettante searching for the non existent Grail.
Tho' I haven't checked, you could probably find some in your price preference.
Inso far as the Vandersteens...by comparison, IMHO, the Mahlers win hands down with regard to warmth. While the Vandys are great speakers, there's a magic that the VA Malhlers have...you can't go wrong.
