Can a Classe SSP replace a dedicated stereo pre?

Hi everyone! I appreciate the opinions and knowledge on this forum and I've been reading a while. 

I am looking to move laterally from a 2-channel setup to a basic 5.1 surround setup, as my listening does involve TV and movies. Most of my sources are digital.

My current setup involves a sabaj d5 DAC, a Modwright SWL 9.0se preamp, Odyssey Khartago extreme monoblocks, and some excellent DIY 3-way speakers.

I couldn't be happier with this for two channel listening. 

In my research for multichannel pres/avrs, I heard most people saying that the only ones that sound really good for stereo are ones made by Classe, Krell and Bryston within my budget. I'm really hoping to simplify my setup and not have to use ht bypass, switch between two preamps etc.

I've made an offer for a Classe SSP sigma. Do you think this could potentially replace my Modwright without losing much SQ?

Thank you!
What about an ab switch?

i have a nad17 processor and a lumin x1 and still a stereo pre is alot better. I am looking too.

maybe ab switch is better as switching between stereo and ht is easier. But ab switches dont get much attention? Why not?
maybe ab switch is better as switching between stereo and ht is easier. But ab switches dont get much attention? Why not?
Because most audiophiles are loathe to insert more — and especially cheaper/inferior — electronics in the signal path than necessary as they can degrade/change sound. 

Can an AVP replace a Modwright SWL 9.0se?No. Just no.
But not just any AVP, I’m trying to ask about a Classe product that was designed with 2 channel in priority and not surround? People say it sounds nearly the same as the CP-800 stereo pre, which I have no experience with, hence no basis to compare with my SWL.

Have you heard the CP-800 or SSP sigma by any chance?

@jumia, you might want to get a preamp or integrated amp with ht bypass if you want to use both. 2 channel sources feed into the stereo preamp while surround sources feed into the AVR/AVP. Then the pre-outs from the AVR go into the stereo preamp's bypass input so you reuse the speakers for ht.

I could use that as an option, but I'm trying to see if I can simplify down to one amp without losing quality.
The Sigma SSP in 2 channel is almost identical as the 800. For what you explained and how you intend to use it, you will be very pleased with the SSP. It can be a very good analog preamp. Proper cabling, circuits, can only  propel it further.

Not audio related but you said you live in a small 1 room house.  How is that possible?  Do you men an apartment like a studio apartment or a truly 1 room house?  Is it one of those micro, 1 room home?   I am very curious, care to enlighten me?